Kerrie’s Rating System

Kerrie's Rating Scale | Kerrie Lee | Dream Up

I’ve always struggled to rate *movies using the existing rating systems. The “thumbs up / thumbs down” system used by Siskel and Ebert was too simplistic.

A scale from 1 - 10 offered too many choices. What is the difference between a 7 and an 8 anyway? Or a 5 and a 6?

The US grading system of A+ through F doesn’t work for me because it comes loaded with preconceived ideas about what the grades really mean. A “C” should be an average grade, but it implies a work that is barely passable.

At a Glance with a Touch of Ranking

What I wanted was a scale that made it easy to know whether a movie is a “like” or “dislike”, but allowed some room to rank my likes and dislikes a bit further. I couldn’t find what I liked, so I created my own. This one makes the most sense to me because it’s really simple.

First, I ask myself, “Did I like this movie?” If the the answer is “yes”, it’s a blue rating. If the answer is “no”, it’s a yellow rating.

Then, I ask myself how much I liked or disliked a movie on a scale of 1 to 3. See? Easy peasy.

rating 2.png

The “zero” rating is only used if I really can’t answer whether I liked a movie or not. In theory, there shouldn’t be too many of these.

* I’m using this rating system for pretty much everything these days.

What do you think? Is it a 3 for you? Let me know in the comments.


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